IMPORTANT! Nous effectuons actuellement des travaux de maintenance. Elles seront terminées vers 22 heures.

2024-12-18Switch to Outlook new: Need for action for Microsoft 365 users by 06.01.2025 at the latestPassage à Outlook new : Les utilisateurs regimail doivent agir...
2024-08-01REGIPOST - Échanger des données en toute sécurité avec un minimum d'effort : sans inscription, sans application, sans long mot de passe.Nouveau service REGIPOST...
2022-03-31Informations sur la vulnérabilité de zlibComment la vulnérabilité actuelle de zlib affecte regify...
2021-12-13Log4Shell - log4jNon concerné par Log4Shell log4j (CVE-2021-44228)...
2020-07-18Industrial Pseudonymisation for HealthcareSavings of over 60% in healthcare pseudonymisation...
2020-04-27Tokenizing physical assetsThe digital twin lays the foundation for tokenization...
2019-10-29Press Comment: Gaia X as Cloud Alternative for Europe Solution based on EU-wide network for data exchange...
2019-07-24Regify supplies secure email software for the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals Trust Anticoagulation ServiceAudit trail and security make the difference...
2018-07-27Les laboratoires Luxembourgeois utilisent regiboxTransmission fiable des rapports avec regibox...
2018-02-15regify expands its trusted e-communications business with incorporation of regify Asia in HongkongWith the foundation of regify Asia in Hong Kong, the European software......
2017-07-05Regify launches in China with the inception of regify TechnologyHuge Market for trusted and verifiable data transactions...
2017-06-19regify, nouveau membre LU-CIXNouvelle coopération au Luxembourg....
2017-06-08Iridescent to provide secure regify communication and collaboration services in AsiaSingapore-based Iridescent confirms deal with German ISV...
2016-04-20regify for industry 4.0regify presents first Industry Data Space solution for IoT / Industry 4.0...
2016-03-31Invapay PartnershipInvapay and regify to offer unique cybersecurity technology for virtual cards...
2016-02-02Carrenza and regify on G-Cloud 7Carrenza and regify to offer trusted e-communications solutions on G-Cloud 7...
2014-11-17regiboxregify lance *la sélection vérifiable*...
2014-10-27regify speaks about Cyber Security risksregify speaks about Cyber Security risks in companies...
2013-08-30regify dans le magazine TRESORIERLes changements dans le monde de la trésorerie suite à l'évolution de TIC...
2013-07-17La confidentialité avec Prism et Tempora…Les services regify vous garantissent une totale confidentialité....


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