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Press Comment: Gaia X as Cloud Alternative for Europe 

Solution based on EU-wide network for data exchange 

Huefingen, 29 October 2019 – The plan for Europe's, secure and trusted data infrastructure, Gaia X, is the main topic at Germany’s IT summit Digital-Gipfel in Dortmund . With Gaia-X, European companies will have access to a cloud infrastructure that shields them from industrial espionage, access by foreign secret services and any implications that may result from using cloud services outside of the EU. 

Central data services versus individual data sovereignty 

In the era of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Gaia X addresses the basic need for data sovereignty. At the same time, data has to be consolidated from different sources and parties as large data sets need to be processed in order to generate meaningful results. Central data lakes which are fed by different parties are easiest to work on from an AI point of view. However, such central processing will only materialize provided that the different parties continue to fully own and control their data. Enterprises and other organisations know the value of their data and want to determine how and where it is being stored and processed and to whom it should be made available. Data owners consider EU data privacy and security regulations as the standard for their data. 

Solution requires networked processing and usage 

The conflict between a collective European cloud infrastructure and the need for companies and organisations to remain in full control of their data, can only be resolved via networked structures that combine decentralised storage and data management with options for central processing. Regify has already launched the first EU-wide networked infrastructure in 2012 after piloting it with German Stock Exchange. Regify's global provider model enables users to securely exchange data across the whole user community and remain in control of their data at all times and in compliance with GDPR and other regulation. For reasons of auditability and traceability, every single transaction is registered by an independent trusted third party in the EU. 

Regify network with 20 providers 

At present, the EU-wide software-based regify network comprises of 20 providers in different sectors, from healthcare to financial and public services to industry. Healthcare in particular has benefited from the regify network. UK hospitals and the UK Genome project have joined and so has the national ehealth provider for Luxemburg, eSanté . It uses regify services to enable secure data sharing and processing for 30,000 healthcare professionals across hospitals, laboratories and doctor’s practices. Big Data/AI processing can be organized easily in the regify network whilst ensuring that the data owner is always in control. 

Press contact 

regify GmbH / PR
Römerstraße 39
D-78183 Hüfingen, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)771 - 89784-236

VOCATO public relations GmbH
Birgit Brabeck / Lisa Krekel
Braugasse 12
D-50859 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)2234-60 198-18/-14
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